Dealing with Crickets in Your Boise Home


Finding a cricket chirping away in your home can be an unsettling experience. Not only can their incessant chirping be annoying, but crickets can also cause damage to fabrics and other materials. If you're a homeowner in Boise, Idaho, and you've encountered a cricket invasion, fear not! This guide will provide you with all the information you need to identify, manage, and prevent crickets from taking over your home.

What Are Crickets?

Crickets are small to medium-sized insects belonging to the Gryllidae family, which is part of the Orthoptera order. They are characterized by their distinctive chirping sound produced by rubbing their wings together, a behavior primarily associated with male crickets during courtship or to establish territory. 

Crickets are omnivorous, feeding on a wide range of organic matter, including plants, fungi, dead insects, and even carrion. Some species may also display cannibalistic behavior, particularly in crowded conditions.

What Do Crickets Look Like?

Crickets have a unique body structure, with long antennae, powerful hind legs for jumping, and flattened bodies. They typically have wings, but not all crickets are capable of flight. Crickets are primarily nocturnal, meaning they are most active during the night, although some species may also be active during the day.

Common Types of Crickets in Boise

Boise, Idaho, is home to several species of crickets, both native and introduced. Some of the common cricket species found in Boise and the surrounding areas include:

  1. House Cricket (Acheta domesticus): The house cricket is one of the most common cricket species found indoors in Boise and other urban areas. It is native to Europe but has been introduced to many parts of the world, including North America. House crickets are often found in warm, moist environments such as basements, kitchens, and bathrooms.
  2. Field Cricket (Gryllus spp.): Field crickets are commonly found in grasslands, meadows, and agricultural areas. They may also venture into urban environments, including Boise, especially during warm summer months. Field crickets are larger than house crickets and are typically brown or black in color.
  3. Camel Cricket (Ceuthophilus spp.): Also known as cave crickets or spider crickets, these crickets are often found in dark, damp environments such as caves, basements, and crawl spaces. They are characterized by their long legs and antennae, as well as their humpbacked appearance.
  4. Tree Cricket (Oecanthus spp.): Tree crickets are often found in trees, shrubs, and other vegetation. They are known for their high-pitched chirping sound, which is produced by males to attract females. Tree crickets are typically green or brown in color and have long, slender bodies.
  5. Mormon Cricket (Anabrus simplex): While not technically a true cricket (belonging to the katydid family), the Mormon cricket is a large insect that can be found in grasslands, shrublands, and agricultural areas. They are known for their swarming behavior under certain conditions, particularly when populations are dense or food sources are scarce. While not as common in urban areas, Mormon crickets may occasionally be found in Boise and surrounding regions.

These are just the most common cricket species that may be found in Boise, Idaho. The specific types of crickets in any area can vary depending on habitat, climate, and human activity.

How To Trap Crickets

Trapping crickets can be an effective method to control their population in your home. Here are several methods you can use to trap crickets:

Sticky Traps

  • Sticky traps, also known as glue traps or glue boards, are readily available at most hardware stores and pest control retailers.
  • Place the sticky traps in areas where crickets are active, such as along baseboards, in corners, or near entry points.
  • The crickets will become stuck to the adhesive on the traps when they walk over them, making it easy to dispose of them.

DIY Trap with Soapy Water

  • Fill a shallow dish or container with water and add a few drops of dish soap.
  • Place the dish in areas where crickets are present, such as near doors, windows, or in dark corners.
  • The crickets will be attracted to the water but will be unable to escape due to the soapy surface tension, eventually drowning.

Cricket Tubes

  • Create simple cricket tubes using cardboard tubes from toilet paper or paper towel rolls.
  • Place bait inside the tubes, such as a piece of bread or a small amount of cat food.
  • Position the tubes in areas where crickets are active, and they will crawl inside to feed but will be unable to escape.

Light Traps

  • Crickets are attracted to light, so you can create a trap using a light source and a container.
  • Place a desk lamp or flashlight over a large bucket or container partially filled with soapy water.
  • Position the light source directly over the water, and the crickets will be attracted to the light and fall into the water, where they will drown.

Jar Trap

  • Take a glass jar and coat the inside with a thin layer of petroleum jelly or cooking oil.
  • Place a piece of bread or other bait inside the jar to attract the crickets.
  • The crickets will climb into the jar to reach the bait but will be unable to climb back out due to the slippery surface.

Regardless of the trapping method you choose, it's essential to place the traps in areas where crickets are known to frequent and to check them regularly to remove any trapped crickets and replace them as needed. Trapping can be an effective component of an integrated pest management approach to control cricket populations in your home.

How To Get Rid of Crickets

 If you are looking to get rid of crickets for good, we recommend taking the following precautions:

  • Locate the Source: Start by identifying where the crickets are coming from. Check areas such as basements, crawl spaces, garages, and around doors and windows for signs of cricket activity.
  • Remove Food Sources: Crickets are attracted to food crumbs, spilled liquids, and other organic matter. Keep your home clean and tidy, especially in areas where crickets are likely to hide.
  • Seal Entry Points: Crickets can enter your home through small cracks and openings in walls, doors, and windows. Seal any gaps using caulk or weather stripping to prevent them from getting inside.
  • Use Traps: Place sticky traps or glue boards in areas where crickets are active to capture them. You can also make homemade traps using a shallow dish filled with soapy water, as crickets are attracted to the scent.
  • Vacuum Regularly: Use a vacuum cleaner to remove crickets and their eggs from carpets, rugs, and other surfaces. Empty the vacuum bag or canister outside to prevent them from re-entering your home.
  • Try Natural Repellents: Crickets are repelled by certain scents, such as lavender, peppermint, and citrus. Consider placing sachets of dried herbs or cotton balls soaked in essential oils in areas where crickets are present.
  • Consult a Professional: If you're dealing with a severe cricket infestation that persists despite your efforts, consider contacting a pest control professional. They can assess the situation and recommend appropriate treatment options.

Tips For Preventing Future Infestations

Once you've successfully eliminated crickets from your home, take proactive measures to prevent them from returning:

  • Seal cracks and gaps in your home's exterior to prevent crickets from entering.
  • Install door sweeps and screens on windows to keep crickets out.
  • Trim vegetation and remove debris from around your home's foundation to reduce hiding places for crickets.
  • Store firewood, mulch, and other organic materials away from the exterior of your home.

Professional Cricket Removal

Dealing with crickets in your Boise home can be a nuisance, but with the right approach, you can effectively manage and prevent infestations. By identifying the source of the problem, implementing control measures, and taking steps to prevent future infestations, you can keep your home cricket-free and enjoy peace of mind.

But if you are having issues identifying the source or want to take a comprehensive approach to ongoing pest control, look no further than Affinity Pest Control. Our team of experienced exterminators can help you get rid of crickets for good! Contact us today to get started!


FAQ About Crickets in Boise

Are Crickets Dangerous?

Crickets are generally not considered dangerous to humans in the context of health risks or direct physical harm. However, they can pose some nuisance and minor issues if they infest your home:

  • Noise: The most common complaint about crickets in the home is the chirping noise they produce, which can be loud and persistent, especially at night. While the noise itself isn't harmful, it can be annoying and disrupt sleep.
  • Damage to Belongings: Crickets may feed on various organic materials found in the home, including fabrics, paper, and certain food items. In some cases, they may cause damage to clothing, upholstery, or stored food products.
  • Hygiene Concerns: While crickets themselves aren't typically carriers of diseases that affect humans, their presence in the home may indicate unsanitary conditions or attract other pests that can pose health risks.
  • Allergies: Some individuals may be allergic to cricket droppings or shed exoskeletons, leading to allergic reactions such as skin irritation or respiratory issues in sensitive individuals.

Overall, while crickets are not inherently dangerous, they can be a nuisance when they infest your home in large numbers. Taking steps to eliminate cricket infestations and prevent their return can help mitigate these issues and ensure a more comfortable living environment.

When Are Crickets Active?

Crickets are nocturnal insects, meaning they are most active during the night and rest during the day. Their activity levels typically peak during the warmer months, from late spring to early fall, when temperatures are more conducive to their activity.

Do Crickets Swarm?

Crickets do not typically swarm like some other insects, such as locusts or certain species of ants, do. Swarming behavior is usually associated with large groups of individuals moving together in a coordinated fashion, often in response to environmental cues such as food scarcity or mating opportunities.

While crickets are not known for swarming in the same sense, they can exhibit aggregation behavior, especially in favorable conditions. For example, during warm summer nights when temperatures are optimal, crickets may congregate in large numbers in areas with abundant food sources, moisture, and shelter.

In some cases, cricket aggregations may appear to resemble swarms, particularly when they gather in outdoor environments such as fields, gardens, or around light sources. However, these gatherings are typically the result of individual crickets seeking out favorable habitats rather than coordinated group behavior.

Where Do Crickets Hide?

Crickets are nocturnal insects that seek shelter during the day and become active at night. They are attracted to warm, dark, and humid environments, where they can find protection from predators and access to food sources. In your house, crickets may hide in various locations, including:

  • Basements: Crickets often hide in basements, particularly in areas with clutter, stored items, or moisture. They may hide behind boxes, under furniture, or in cracks and crevices in the walls or flooring.
  • Crawl Spaces: Crickets may take refuge in crawl spaces beneath your house, where they can find insulation, debris, or other materials to hide among.
  • Garages: Crickets may hide in garages, especially if there are piles of clutter or stored items where they can seek cover. They may hide behind tools, under shelves, or in corners.
  • Closets: Crickets may hide in closets, particularly if there are piles of clothing or stored items where they can find darkness and cover.
  • Kitchen and Pantry: Crickets are attracted to food crumbs and spilled liquids, so they may hide in kitchens and pantries. They may hide behind appliances, under sinks, or in cracks and crevices in cabinets.
  • Bathrooms: Crickets may hide in bathrooms, especially if there are damp areas or leaks where they can find moisture. They may hide behind toilets, under sinks, or in corners.
  • Bedrooms: Crickets may hide in bedrooms, particularly if there are piles of clutter or stored items where they can find darkness and cover. They may hide under beds, in closets, or in corners.
  • Utility Rooms: Crickets may hide in utility rooms, such as laundry rooms or mudrooms, where they can find warmth and moisture. They may hide behind appliances, under sinks, or in corners.
  • Near Doors and Windows: Crickets may hide near doors and windows, especially if there are gaps or cracks where they can enter the house. They may hide in window sills, door frames, or in cracks and crevices in walls.
  • Outdoor Access Points: Crickets may hide near outdoor access points, such as vents, pipes, or openings in the foundation. They may hide in vegetation, mulch, or debris near these access points.

To effectively control cricket populations in your house, it's important to identify and eliminate their hiding places. Keep your house clean and tidy, seal any cracks or openings, and use traps or insecticides as needed to eliminate crickets and prevent them from returning.

Crickets vs Grasshoppers

Crickets and grasshoppers are both members of the order Orthoptera and share many similarities in their appearance and behavior, but there are also several key differences between the two.

  • One of the most noticeable distinctions is their antennae: crickets have long, slender antennae that are often as long as or longer than their bodies, while grasshoppers have shorter, thicker antennae.
  • Additionally, crickets tend to be nocturnal, with most of their activity occurring at night, whereas grasshoppers are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day.
  • Another difference is in their behavior: crickets produce their characteristic chirping sound by rubbing their wings together, while grasshoppers produce sound by rubbing their legs against their wings.
  • Additionally, grasshoppers are known for their powerful hind legs, which they use for jumping, whereas crickets are more adept at crawling and climbing.

These differences in appearance, behavior, and activity patterns help distinguish between crickets and grasshoppers, despite their similar appearances.

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